lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014


The ELP, European Language Portfolio is a personal document of a student. Is also a tool for effective language learning, teaching, and assessment. It should be used to its full potential both locally and globally to develop learner autonomy. The ELP is an effective tool for promoting reflection and self-assessment, which contributes to learner autonomy and motivation. 
It is a way to gather information demonstrating the abilities and achievements of students, how to think, how to question, analyze, synthesize, produce or créate and how it interacts with others.

The ELP has helped us to think about new ways of teaching and about the collaborative nature of learning.

Then I'll put the advantages and disadvantages of the portfolio:


  • Promote the student the participation to monitor and evaluate your own learning.
  • Requires students assume responsibility for their learning.
  • Provides the opportunity to meet attitudes of students.
  • Provides valuable information on learning process.
  • The teachers can examine your skills.
  • They can adapt to different needs, interests and abilities of every students. 
  • Can be used at all grade levels.
  • Promotes self evaluation and control of learning.
  • Selects students to special programs.
  • Certifies the student's competence, basing evluación more authentic works.
  • Allows a wider and deeper vision students know and can do.
  • Allows an alternative for reporting grades and standardized tests.
  • Provide a long-term structure.
  • Transfers responsibility to demonstrate understanding of concepts to the student.

  • Consume the time the teacher and student.
  • Refining the process requires assessment.
  • There is the little evidence on the reliability and the validity of the results.
  • The generalization of the results is limited.
  • You can filing for being prepared dishonesty outside the classroom.
I think the portafolio and the ELP are a good tool to work the language in a class. It will be motivated for you and for your students.

Nowadays, I am a Primary Education' Teacher and I am studying to be a childhood teacher in a public school but in both cases I think that if we want to work something with our pupila we have to look for the curriculum because there appears the objetives, contents, specific evaluation criteria...
And if we teach the contents in a foreign language and the students don't understand a lot we can use differrent resources for help theis for examples: flashcards, games, murales or differents resources that we can created at home and we help our students.
However, the most important thing is our children are very motivated to learn them. This is not only the most important but the most difficult to achieve it. We certainly need time for this taso but we mustn't waste it and start right now.
On the other hand, I would to asses their learning and I think that the most important think to evaluare the students is with te portafolio, it's a good tool. Rubrics are a good tool to be achieved by students. So, you can put words like Very good, good, parcial and need to improve to evaluate the contents. Well, I think that we have to put "need to improve" because is a way to motivate the students and if you put "0" or "not at all" students would be frustated.
To create a rubric in the beggining would be very difficult but after that if you want to use it in other levels you shouldn't to changes nothing.
Finally, schools should have plurilingualism because when the students finish the school they have to know two or more languages, for example: Spanish, Valencian and English.


I remember when I was a child and everybody asks me what I want to be in the future and I always answered: I want to be teacher!

So, since my childhood I was fascinated and trapped by this profesión where giving and receiving, offering and present, teach and learn, communicate and transmit, grow and progress, créate and develop, listen and speak... is given in equal parts, and which is constantly evolving and enrichment if you really like and enjoy exercising it.

I always played in a play of teachers and I did the gestares and actions of the teachers.

On the other hand, I decide to be a Primary Education Teacher of the 1st course  because children are in a growth stage where they must develop various skills during their training. Teachers must inculcate students the values ​​for better training to respect others, they are valued and accepted as they are.

In my opinion, I think that to be a teacher is more important than the people knows. People always say me that teacher is a degree very easy but I don't think so because it's very difficult teach students. when you are teaching a content the majority of the class don't understand nothing and you have to explain the content a lot of times more using resources or visual material.
And I also think that if the there aren't teachers the doctor, ver, photographs...wouldn't exist.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


It's difficult the englisg phonetic for Spanish children. If you want to work with them the phonetic I add some images to work it.


To work the parts of the house with your students I add some worksheets to work this unit easily and after that I add a video about it.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014


It's very difficult to teach the students of the first and second course of Primary education because the hours are new for them.
I put some explications and activitites for how to explain the time.

Firstly, I add some worksheets to explain the time:

After, I add some activities for the students:

Finally, I add a link of a game of the hours and a song.

The Multilingualism program

Firstly, I'm going to define what multilingualism is. The program multi-lingual is a language program that It's characterized by the teaching of curriculum content in Catalan, in Spanish and in English, and can also incorporate other foreign languages. This program is in the private and public schools in Valencia.

Multilingualism should be performed in non-university education by the establishing of the two programs implementing progressive stages in childhood education, primary, secondary education, and Vocational School.

I think we should build plurilingual centers because in a multi-lingual society everyone can relate to speak several languages fluently. The plurilingual school offers more opportunities for personal and cultural development to all who is compose, teachers and students.


-Bilingual or multilingual children have the ability to master the language to the level of a monolingual native.
-Children who grow up with two or more languages are able to understand more quickly.
-Children who receive a multilingual education are able to pass information from one language to another, either to gain vocabulary.
-Children who learn two or more languages in childhood have an advantage in certain jobs.
-The bilingual and multilingual children better understand the cultural diversity of our world and are more open to new cultures and differences in thoughts.

-Children face a multilingual education are at risk of not achieving a satisfactory level in any of the languages.
-The bilingual and multilingual children face a largely monolingual society. This can lead to rejection by society and affect negatively the child's personality, such as causing a feeling of inferiority.
-Children who grow up with two or more languages are facing the same problems of language development than monolingual children: physical problems, slurred speech, problems with grammar.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014


If you are teaching your students the lesson of the animals of science or other subject, you can pass a funny class doing "papiroflexia".
Today, I add  a video and a photo how to do a cat because It's very easy to do it. Every week I will add how to do others animals or objects.

I write a link of very funny activities of papiroflexia or other activities:

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


The last week was Halloween and all the children want to celebrate this day.
What we can do in Halloween celebrations?

We can paint this funny pumpkin:

and at last we can work the following video's song with the children:



You can practise the weather with the following worksheets.

Finally, I add a video about the weather.


We are going to work with the vocabulary of the parts of the body.
I add some worksheets that the children have to do this worksheets in class. 

We will start with the vocabulary:

After we will continue with some exercises:

Then, we will do a game in pairs:

And finally, we will sing a song to enjoin the vocabulary of the parts of the body.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


I read this article which explains the Halloween celebrations. It talks about what the child does with their costumes and the activities that the teachers do.

Also, this article explains that this tradition of celebrate Halloween is celebrating around the world too.

After that, there is a video which explains the Halloween time. The firsts minutes of the video explains the five little pumpkins and the Oozing Pumpkin and how we can do it. Secondly, the video explains us the history of this celebration and the resources like videos, articles and infographics . Then, this video speaks about the neuroscience of zombies and how we can learn to diagnose a zombie and the full lesson over on TED-Ed. Also, this explains the day of the Dead: "Young people's ofrenda", this tradition born in Mexico. Also, talks about the museum in Minneapoles that it works with students to create "ofrendas" and it talks about the processions.

The video speaks about the Vampire in Literature. The professor Sue Weaver Schopf attempts on online course vampires (at Harvard!) and also speaks about the children's Halloween song from 1969 about "learning the Dance" and of the History Channel, too.

Finally, Mr. Russo, a exterprising teacher in Medina, introduces the trailer for the Frankenstein Project in 2010. In this article gives us the reources for teaching and learning of Halloween celebrations.

I add one part of the article's video.keep watching the player below to see the rest of the playlist.

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014


Hello everyone and welcome to this blog.
This blog is a small space that we try to make big where we will talk about education in elementary classrooms.

Firstly, I found an interactive activity titled, my world of words, which is aimed at children aged between 7 and 9 years for children in the second cycle of primary education.
This material seems interesting since in language see little interactive material and being able to use ICT for learning materials it is essential to the society we live and which we are part.

Finally, I would add a video that I think perfectly reflects the vision of students of today because we are teachers, and we educate students of XXI century methods of the nineteenth century and as such we must educate, advise and motivate in the use of new technologies by applying them to the classroom without fear. We mustn't be afraid of something that surrounds us, something that if good use is made of it, we can teach and learn many things.